Commercial Office Cleaning

We at KleanSpread are here to help decrease absenteeism. Germs and illness spread a lot easier in an unclean working environment and cause a decline in productivity. Creating a clean work environment lowers the rate of employee sickness. This is important to consider all year round and not just during a pandemic. With cleansed and organised surroundings, reduces the risk of workplace stress and generates an environment where your employees can be happy and feel safe.
We know first impressions count, which is why using KleanSpread helps creates a positive impression for your external customers and assists with your objective to build the first-class experience that you strive for, creating a clean and pleasant environment that your customers will not only enjoy, but return to.
The KleanSpread Commercial and Office Cleaning Experience consists of:
Sanitizing phones and workstations
Vacuuming, Sweeping and Mopping floors
Removing cobwebs and dust
Cleaning surfaces, light switches and door handles
Dusting and wiping down computer monitors and keyboards
Emptying all waste
Cleaning internal glass and windows
Light kitchen and bathroom clean
We know every client is unique which is why we tailor each clean to your needs. We will create a bespoke cleaning service in which you can add any extras that you do not see on our page.